According to the US Space Force, a cosmic object did land in the Pacific.

According to a recently revealed classified government document, an interplanetary object not only entered the Solar System in 2014, but also landed on Earth and plunged into the Pacific.

Why did the government decide to keep the fact that an interplanetary object had crashed on Earth hidden? No official media outlet has responded to this question.

The occurrence was disclosed by the Vice portal to Amir Siraj, an astrophysics student and the head of Interstellar Object Studies at Harvard’s Galileo Project.

The Interstellar Object Mishap Siraj and Avi Loeb co-wrote an essay in which they explained how an interplanetary object dropped into the Pacific. But that information was kept hidden.

The crew appears to have spent some time poring over NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies, or CNEOS, database of space rocks and meteorite collisions.

They discovered a massive fireball that detonated near Manus Island in northern Papua New Guinea on January 8, 2014.

The duo classified it as a “tiny space rock” 0.45 meters in diameter at a speed of almost 200,000 kilometers per hour. It might have come from the deep core of the Solar System or from a star in the Milky Way galaxy’s thick disk.

Siraj claims that some of the CNEOS sensors are utilized to detect nuclear detonations by the US Department of Defense.

Both scientists failed to pass peer review and publish their research because they lacked vital data on the fireball’s velocity margin of error.

The inquiry has been restarted. Surprisingly, Siraj and Loeb learned of their authorization via a Space Force tweet. A note dated March 1 and signed by Lieutenant General John E. Shaw, Deputy Commander of the Space Force, is shown in the communication.

After Siraj and Loeb learned about it, they resumed their effort to publish the report so that other professional researchers might continue their search for another interstellar object.

Siraj will also request that astronomers create a public meteor sensor network that is independent of the Department of Defense. This reduces delays, such as those caused by your study.

He also intends to arrange an expedition to the location of the interstellar object’s impact:

“That would be incredibly ambitious, but we will thoroughly investigate it. Because the prospect of acquiring the first bit of interstellar material is fascinating enough to warrant comprehensive verification. In addition, consult with all of the world’s specialists on ocean missions to retrieve meteorites.” Many people are hoping that the Space Force would not obstruct the probe this time, as there are still doubts regarding why this material was suppressed. Is it conceivable that they have anything else they don’t want us to know about, or was it simply a “mistake”?

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