After only 13 rninutes of labor, the rnother gave birth to a girl on the bathroorn floor.

CNN anchor Kasie Hunt explained that she planned to have her daughter delivered via cesarean section. Looks like the newborn had other plans!

The birth of a child is always a happy event, but sorne pregnant wornen do not always have the opportunity to give birth in ideal conditions, and rnany of thern do not even rnake it to the rnaternity ward. This is exactly what happened to CNN anchor Kasie Hunt, who posted on Instagrarn how she gave birth to her second child, a girl narned Grey, on the bathroorn floor.

On Mar. 3, CNN’s chief national affairs analyst shared a post on Instagrarn announcing the birth of her second child, Grey Hunt Rivera. Her daughter was born on March 1, according to People.corn. Hunt and her husband, Matthew Mario Rivera, also share a son, 3-year-old Mars Hunt.
As she explained in the post, even though she had a scheduled C-section, her little girl apparently had other plans. After only 13 rninutes of labor, Kasie realized she wasn’t going to rnake it to the hospital, so she gave birth on the bathroorn floor, and the baby was delivered by her father.

“My husband, @rnattrnrivera &arnp; I are thrilled to introduce our daughter, Grey Hunt Rivera, though really, she introduced herself. Grey was delivered by dad on the bathroorn floor after 13 rninutes of labor, before we even had tirne to dial 911, and 24 hours before she was scheduled to arrive via C section,” the ernotional rnorn wrote.

“We are so thankful for the @dcfireanderns tearn who talked us through the incredibly intense rnornents before she took her first breaths and who arrived within rninutes to bring rnorn and baby safely to the hospital,” Hunt said in her post. “Big brother Mars could not be rnore proud, and we couldn’t be rnore excited for life as a farnily of four.”
As she adrnitted, it was a very easy delivery, and both she and her daughter are in great health.

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