Bеаut𝗂fuⅼ Рһоtоѕ Оf Nеⱳbоɾnѕ 𝖶һеn Тһе𝗂ɾ Mоtһеɾѕ Ѕее Тһеm Fоɾ Тһе F𝗂ɾѕt Т𝗂mе

Monet Nicole is a pregnancy and birth photographer.
She is always close to the women who need her own gaze and her camera lens to capture the unique moment of the birth of their child.

Her eye, however, does not only see the baby. She sees the pain, the agony, the support of loved ones, the difficulties, the relief, the happiness, and the tears of joy. She manages to capture all this in the photographs, forever keeping these moments indelible in time. Alive, for all those moms who will at some point want to flip through the album of their memories.

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