Pharaohs were worshipped in ancient Egypt as both heavenly deities and mortal monarchs.

In ancient Egypt, the pharaohs were not only revered as earthly rulers, but also as gods in the heavens. The concept of divine kingship was central to Egyptian religion and culture, and the pharaohs were believed to be the bridge between the mortal and immortal realms.

There were several pharaohs who were particularly venerated as gods in ancient Egyptian religion. One of the most famous was Amenhotep III, who was worshipped as the god of the sun and patron of the arts. Another was Ramses II, who was worshipped as the god of fertility and warfare.

Other pharaohs who were worshipped as gods included Thutmose III, who was revered as the god of wisdom and military prowess; Hatshepsut, who was worshipped as the goddess of fertility and childbirth; and Akhenaten, who introduced a monotheistic religion centered on the worship of the sun disk Aten.

In addition to these divine pharaohs, there were also many other Egyptian gods and goddesses who were associated with specific aspects of life and nature. Some of the most important included Osiris, god of the afterlife; Isis, goddess of motherhood and fertility; and Horus, god of the sky and protector of the pharaoh.

The pharaohs were not only worshipped as gods, but also as living embodiments of Ma’at, the ancient Egyptian concept of cosmic balance and order. As such, they were responsible for maintaining social harmony and justice, as well as ensuring the fertility of the land and the prosperity of the people.

Overall, the pharaohs played a crucial role in ancient Egyptian religion and society, serving both as earthly rulers and divine beings. Their legacy can still be seen today in the many temples, tombs, and monuments that have survived from ancient Egypt.

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