Early Bronze Age Grave 110 of a rich woman, from Franzhausen I cemetery in Austria

Early Bronze Age Grave 110 is a significant archaeological discovery that sheds light on the burial practices and social hierarchy of the era. The grave, located in the Franzhausen I cemetery in Austria, was found to contain the remains of a wealthy woman.

The burial was discovered in 1988 during excavations at the Franzhausen I cemetery, which dates back to the Early Bronze Age (2200-1600 BCE). Grave 110 was identified as an exceptional burial due to its size and location. The grave was located in a central position in the cemetery, indicating that the woman held a high social status.

The woman’s remains were found inside a wooden coffin, which was placed in a rectangular pit. The coffin was decorated with bronze fittings and contained several grave goods, including pottery vessels, bronze pins, and a bone comb. The pottery vessels found in the grave were of high quality and indicated that the woman had access to luxury goods.

The most significant find in the grave was a necklace made of amber beads. The necklace was composed of over 300 beads, each carefully shaped and polished. Amber was a valuable commodity in the Early Bronze Age and was likely imported from distant regions. The necklace was found around the woman’s neck, indicating that it held great significance to her.

The grave also contained evidence of a ritual meal. Animal bones, including those of pigs and cattle, were found in the grave. The bones were partially burned, suggesting that they had been cooked before being placed in the grave. This indicates that a feast was held in honor of the deceased.

The discovery of Grave 110 provides valuable insight into the social hierarchy and burial practices of the Early Bronze Age. The presence of luxury goods and a central burial location suggests that the woman held a high social status. The necklace made of amber beads indicates that she had access to valuable commodities from distant regions. The presence of a ritual meal indicates that the funeral was an important social event that involved the entire community. Overall, the discovery of Grave 110 is a valuable contribution to our understanding of the Early Bronze Age in Austria.

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