A horned, 7-meter-tall hominid skeleton.

During archaeological digs from the 1880s, an anthropologist discovered a 7-meter-tall horned hominin skeleton.

A number of human skulls were discovered during an archaeological excavation in Sayre, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, in the 1880s, according to the Facebook post.

These skeletons were anatomically accurate, with the exception of two conspicuous “horns” that protruded two inches above the eyebrow and the fact that the average height of each individual in life would have been about seven feet tall.

The article claims that after being delivered to Philadelphia’s “American Instigating Museum,” the ones were stolen and were “never to be seen again.”

Yet, there isn’t any evidence to back up the claim.

No evidence of horned human skulls or gigantesque skeletons can be found.

Some people do grow to remarkable sizes, and ancient skeletons of persons who suffered from gigantism have been discovered.

According to Erin Kimmerle, associate professor of anthropology at the University of Central Florida, it is a genetic illness brought on when individuals have abnormally linear development as a result of the overactive action of insulin-like growth factors.

Kimmerle stated in an email that “basically you keep developing even when the growth plates are fused.

“It is estimated that there are about 8 instances per 1 million persons. I’m unsure if it was more common before because earlier diagnostics and treatments are now available.

Since the 1880s, it has undergone archaeological excavation.

The horned skull seen in the Facebook post, however, is a fake, according to Kimmerly. USA TODAY couldn’t find any reliable news or scientific reports of such a disco.

The story of the horned giants in Pennsylvania was described as a compilation of tales that eventually had a life of their own by researchers at the Roert S. Peaody Center of Archaeology.

Newspaper accounts of the event from the late 19th and early 20th century included multiple facets of the tale.

Researchers at the Peabody Museum attribute references to huge skeletons to incorrectly identified extinct animal species and to literary accounts that exaggerate the height of people who were tall for the time.

There is no museum with the name “American Instigating Museum,” despite the University of Pennsylvania’s 1,300 skulls being part of the Penn Museum’s Morton Collection. Kimmler confirmed that there is no museum.

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