Gold mine in California dating back 400 years

Archaeologists discovered ancient artifacts that date back 40 million years in a gold mine in California.
At Tale Motai and other locations in the gold mining region, miners discovered hundreds of artifacts made from stone and human remains in the middle of the nineteenth century.

These objects and artifacts are believed by experts to have originated in Eocene strata (38 to 55 million years). The foremost geologist in the world, Dr. J. D. Whitey of California, compiled this statistics. The Arifero’s Grains of the Californian Sierra Nevada was published in 1880 by Harvard University’s Peabody Museum of Comparative Zoology. It was removed from scientific discourse because it contained Darwinist interpretations of its origin. In 1849, gold was discovered in the mines of the Sierra Neada Mountains.

Several attendees to this club came from nearby cities like Brady City, Last Chance, and Out of Control. To begin with, everyone passed the grains that had found their way into the soils to create nuggets and flakes. Quickly adding more resources were gold mining corporations. They dug tunnels into mountain sides and tracked the gold deposits they revealed, while others used high-pressure water jets to clear the arifero’s (gold eagle) deposits from the incline.

The thieves took a lot of stone items and human remains. Scientists learned the most important things from J. D. Whitley. It was difficult to date surface deposits and artifacts from hydraulic mining; but, things that came from deer antler shafts or troughs might be more accurately dated. According to J. D. Whitey, the geological evidence indicated that the rocks in the Arifero were at least Pliocene in age. Today’s geologists believe that some gold deposits date back to the Eocene. Several shafts were drilled at Tole Coty through the deep strata of Tale Motai until they arrived at the gold-bearing rocks.

In several instances, shafts penetrated the earth for hundreds of yards. Some of the grains at the top of the edrock range in age from 33.2 million to 56 million years, while others range in age from nine million to fifty-five million years. According to Willia B. Holmes, a physical anthropologist at the Smithsonian Institution, “If Professor Whittey had fully understood the tale of his early life as it is known today, he would have hesitated to accept the ruling even though he had a sizable amount of time to do so.”

Or, to put it another way, if facts don’t support a theory, they should be thrown out. What arreped done was this. Several of the items from the Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley, are still on display, according to Whitley. The treatment of the archaeological site at Heyatlaco in Mexico was also influenced by darwi’ism and other ideologies. In the 1970s, archaeologists under the direction of Cythia Irwin Willias found implements on dead dredge exsaatop in Heyatlaco.

Geologists like Virginia Stee McItyre collaborated to determine the age of the site. Geologists used the following techniques to determine the age of the site: Zircon fission tracks, raii series, zircon tgask, as well as tephra-hydratio dating of olcaic crystals in olcaic layers and artifact layers, are some examples of the types of layers that have been measured. Because they believed that (1) nobody could have made this many items elsewhere on Earth 250,000 years ago and (2) North America wasn’t visited until roughly 15,000 to 20,000 years ago, archaeologists began to determine how old the site was.



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